04-8555224 -Fax 077-4566125Haifa 35251 . Yafo 157 Street Tel 04-8555224 -Fax 077-4566125operation@lahakaviation.com
Who is Lahak Aviation?
We were established in 2005 in order to provide Helicopter Medical Emergency Services – HEMS to those in medical need. The goal of the company is to provide a high quality of service to the entire population of Israel.
When is the helicopter dispatched?
The helicopter is dispatched when there is a medical need to evacuate sick or injured individuals. On the occasion of a car accident Magen David Adom – Rescue Union will notify Lahak Aviation to dispatch a helicopter. Another scenario, the helicopter can be dispatched by members who call directly to the company dispatch center per their membership agreement.
Who dispatches the helicopter?
Rescue Union or Lahak Aviation.
What information is needed by the dispatch center?
How many are injured; condition of the injured; location, as exact as possible; communication method – cell phone or radio; recognizable landmarks that will help the pilot find the accident location.
How much does medical air evacuation cost and who pays for it?
Medical air evacuation is not cheap. The price can reach thousands of dollars. As a principle, whoever ordered the service (an individual or commercial or government organization) is responsible for the payment of the service.
Can the company refuse to dispatch a helicopter for medical air evacuation service?
The decision to dispatch or not dispatch the helicopter is based on safety. The company operates under the rules and regulations of the Israeli Aviation Administration. The rules and regulations have been put in place to guarantee a safe flight for all passengers.